Where I’ve Been

Where has the time gone? Seriously have you seen my time? I can’t find it anywhere.

You wanna hear a really obvious statement? Life gets really busy sometimes.

My life has been super busy lately, let me get you up to speed.

As of right now, I work two part-time jobs, one as an early morning custodian at BYU, (4am-8am baby! Sleep is for the weak!) and the other as a Deli Clerk at Day’s Market, a local grocery store. (SCHLICE SCHLICE) On top of that, I’m taking a couple of classes at BYU still. Only like 6 credit hours though so not totally insane, just partially. Also I’ve started writing pitches in an attempt to get a few freelance writing jobs, figured I should actually try and make money at this at some point right? With all that the few spare moments I have left over I try to make sure that I’m spending enough time with my wonderful and lovely girlfriend Lindsay.

This leaves just no time to do much of anything, let alone sit down and try to write blog posts that aren’t absolute trash. Now should be the time where I present some sort of remedy for this problem, but frankly, I don’t have much of a solution worked out. The best I’ve come up with so far is to get back on a regular sleeping schedule, but anyone who knows me knows that me and sleep have just never worked out. We’re like Ross and Rachel, one of is always pining for the other but it’s just not gonna work out. Maybe it will one day, I haven’t finished Friends yet so I really don’t know. I’m just trying to use the references now that I actually know them. (I wonder what the equivalent of “WE WERE ON A BREAK” would be in this analogy? it was only a nap? I don’t know, probably stretching it too far)

There is something I can promise for sure though. If and when I do manage to find some time that isn’t dedicated to something else I’ll be sitting in my chair, slapping away at my keyboard to try and write blogs. Just be aware that because of time restrictions I won’t have time to research anything so I’m just gonna have to write about what I already know really well. So lots of movie and League of Legends ramblings are coming your way! (YAY everyone loves league of legends!) Later!

Catching Up

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

It’s something we all gotta do pretty much every day. Some of us need more than it than others. For myself, I only really need 4-5 hours of sleep each night to keep my functioning at 100%. For the past couple of weeks, however, I’ve only been averaging maybe 2 1/2 hours a night. This has resulted in a slow decay of my ability to function like an ordinary human being that has only been staved off by pumping my body full of caffeine each and every day. Not exactly a healthy or sustainable way of life.

Let’s be clear about something though. I am the only person to blame for this predicament. No one ever forced me to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning, I opted into working a job that begins at 4:30 AM, I am the one at the register buying the Red Bull, and I’m the one that cracks the can open and puts that chemical concoction into my body. These were my decisions and I’ll own them. I’ve been 100% happy to sacrifice my sleep to maintain my current schedule.

It’s just that I’ve hit the brick wall so to say today.

Normally the way my Thursday schedule goes is that I get off work at 8 AM (I work 5 3 1/2 hour shifts each week.) go home and nap for a few hours waking up around 10:30 to 11. I don’t have classes until 3 PM so there’s plenty of time to take a nap, shower and get ready before heading to campus for the school day. I like to get to campus around noon and study in the library for a few hours before class, then once my class (there’s just the one on Thursday’s) is over I’ll grab some food on campus and decide to either go back to the library if there’s a pressing need or head on home for the evening to write a blog or maybe hang out with some people, I can be social you know!

This is not how today went. I have an alarm set to 4 am that either didn’t go off or I was so sleep deprived that my body just straight up ignored it. Cut then to me waking up at 4:28, exactly two minutes before my shift started. It’s physically impossible for me to get there in that time so I ended up being around 10 minutes late. That’s not a big deal, in all honesty, my boss is pretty cool about people being occasionally late, she manages some 15 of us student employees who come in at 4:30 she gets that time management isn’t any of our forte’s. Once I’m there work proceeds as normal, I stay 15 minutes late to make up for being late and to get a couple extra tasks done and then I’m heading home.

Once I get home I make a bee-line straight for my room to get my precious nap in. I’m so looking forward to this thing, so much so that I don’t even bother to switch to the shorts I normally sleep in, the joggers I wore to work will be just fine to sleep in.  My head hits the pillow and just like that the lights are out. When I regain consciousness I grab my phone and to my horror, it isn’t 11 AM like it normally is, it’s nearly 5pm. I’ve completely missed my class, (again this isn’t the biggest deal, lots of extra credit opportunity to make up for missing a lecture here and there) at this moment I come to the powerful realization I started this blog with.

I’ve hit a brick wall, whatever I’ve been doing these past couple of weeks can’t continue in the same manner. I’ve got to start getting to bed at a more reasonable hour, I’ve got to stop relying on caffeine to get me through the day, because if I continue down this path it’s gonna be more than the being a little tardy to work and missing a lecture every once and a while. If I allow myself to continue in this way this it the beginning of a great unravelling for my life. I’ve been down that road before and I refuse to walk it again.

So I’ve written this blog to mark this decision. I Jonathan James Tollestrup vow to get some damn sleep.  I also vow to stop ingesting the chemical concoctions known as energy drinks. I’ll hold on to my caffeinated pops for now, but they also ought to know that they’re in my crosshairs. If you see me awake at some ungodly hour during the weekdays or with a Red Bull in my hand. Reprimand me, harshly. That’s all, thanks for reading as always. Later.

20 Hour Days

Here’s something I find myself saying almost everyday right now, “OH WAIT! It’s that late already? Welp no sleep tonight I guess”

Seriously though, uh where did all the time go? Not like in the sense of “wow I can’t believe September is almost over already time really flies!” more like the “Are there only 20 hours in a day now?” I cannot for the life of me find the time each day to do the things I want to do. Something about taking a full course load, working, writing this freaking thing, trying to actually have a real social life, being involved in church activities, going to the gym, jeez why did I have to start making positive life choices? What a mistake that’s turning out to be. I can barely even find the time to see one movie a week let alone the 3 or 4 I was rocking in the summer.

You know what’s even crazier though? I already have just no time to spare, but all I want to do is add more to my plate. Remember when I made movie reviews and they sucked? I really really want to start doing that again, but like not have them suck. Also streaming? I messed around with that a couple of times over the summer and holy crap it was actually so much fun. Also, I have this idea for like a series of blog posts but I’m a little worried it might actually be too nerdy for even me. Screw it no such thing.

Just no time for any of that though… Maybe I could try like Adderall or something. Or proper time management. Yeah, that second one is probably a better starting point. Don’t wanna jump all the way up to Adderall just so I can make some YouTube videos, cause then I’d be like everyone else on YouTube right? I mean there’s gotta be something they’re doing to be so darn energetic and upbeat all the time..it’s cocaine, isn’t it? That’s how they’re all so energetic? Anyone know a coke guy in the Provo area? (Kidding mom, and also any law enforcement surveillance going on, sod off big brother!)

Bad drug jokes aside I just wanted to vent a bit about how little time I seem to have these days, but also I think it’s important to note that even though I’m complaining right now, I’d rather be too busy than straining just to fill the day. Later.


New (School) Year, New Me

It’s a new semester for me so I wanted to take a quick moment to look back on my summer in writing to reflect and then perhaps even look a little bit forward to speculate on what I’m hoping to accomplish over the next few months, does that sound good? Not that it even matters if you agree this is just what’s happening. I’m really trying to be polite though.

Ok so if I’m being honest, I actually liked most of the writing I did over the summer, which is kind of surprising because normally I hate everything I write within 2-3 minutes of putting it up. Something about letting the perfectionist part of my brain takes the wheel or something. This summer though I actually did some stuff that I don’t feel like I’ll regret later for how ridiculous it was.

The biggest standout for me was obviously Fiji to Provo…

Ok before I go on I need to say something about that. I hate that title just so so so so so much. Every time I look at that thing I just wish I had named it Suva to Provo. City to City makes so much more sense, and it rolls off the tongue better. Fiji to Provo will forever remain in my mind as the proof that titling essays, posts, articles, etc. are just the absolute worst.

Got that out of my system. Fiji to Provo (REEEEEEE) was a big piece for me. It was the first time I opened up about my mission experience in a public manner, the first time I talked about being depressed, losing my faith, regaining it, just a whole whack of firsts that had been weighing on my mind for so long and suddenly it was out there and there were so much love and support for it… I can’t express how thankful I am for everyone who showed so much love.

Here’s the thing though, once I got that piece out I suddenly felt like I had no idea what the point of this blog was. I had started it way back when with the intent of it being the place I would write this one piece and after I did it was just like, “Well shoot, what am I supposed to do now? It’s done. Does that mean this blog is done as well?” Obviously, that wasn’t the case because I’ve continued to write just a whole swathe of random junk on there, but as I’m sure you noticed there is no clear direction going forward. What is Jonny Talkz? Is it a movie blog? a place for me to put think pieces down? Comedy blog? A stepping stone to true calling as a SoundCloud rapper? A World of Warcraft fan blog? There really isn’t a clear answer and I don’t exactly have an idea for what’s next…

nah I do have an idea for what to do going forward. I wanna write some wack stuff. Not in a way like everything I post is just way too weird or out there for people to enjoy, but get more back to taking some hot takes on stuff so at least a few people look at every post and think


Take for example “I love Jonny” that rap parody I did last week. I know 99% of people who saw that thought to themselves, “Jonny’s been listening to just a bit too much Kanye and he actually thinks he can rap now, wack.” You know what though? Making that thing was the most fun I’ve had with a post in a loooooong time. It was just so silly and fun I couldn’t help but just burst out laughing at the whole idea of it over and over again. It still cracks me up, to be honest. So like that’s the kind of stuff I want to do going forward, not just to make rap videos though, but just do stuff that I think is funny and great while also never taking myself too seriously. I particularity want to apply this idea to doing movie reviews, like I want to just absolutely slam movies I don’t like and shower endless praise on movies I love and I want to do it in a way where you know clearly where I stand with the movie and you feel at least somewhat informed about what to expect if you see it, but like I want it to feel silly as well. I have an idea for this and assuming I find any free time this semester I’ll definitely be doing it, but I already know it’s going to be a timesink so it may be awhile. Outside of that I do want to just write some stuff about like Utah, dating, and other stuff and just really see how far out there I can go before I just lose everyone.

Also esports, HOOO baby do I want to write a lot about esports, but I always hesitate on it because not one soul who regularly reads this understands that world in any way, shape, or form and I feel like I’m throwing something written in a different language at people expecting them to just “get it”. That’s never going to happen, but I’m still going to put those out. Maybe I just won’t share those on my Facebook because they’re really just for me anyways. Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll do that.

This piece has pretty much devolved into me thinking in a text file at this point, hasn’t it? Oh well, like I said this is more of the kind of stuff I want to be doing, very informal not academic thinking at all, never appealing to an objective truth, just giving you my take and take some risks. Later

Images sourced from Google

Unfair Users

So for my Intro to News Media course at BYU I was required to write a 500 word editorial on a topic of my choosing. I struggled quite a bit with this assignment. As it turns out writing about complex topics like copyright law, especially cases that are unresolved can be pretty difficult when you have so little space. Regardless I have some thoughts on a claim that VidAngel is under Fair Use that are here if you want to read about them.

We all experience it from time to time. Friends or family completely misusing a word or phrase. It could as simple as the insistence of most adults under the age of twenty-five of adding literally to as many sentences as they can. It could also have lasting impacts on how we define Fair Use in copyright law for generations to come. At least it could if you’re friends with VidAngel.

For those unaware, VidAngel is a streaming service that lets you take all the objectionable content out of movies. At least they were until an injunction placed on them forced them to take down all the movies they were streaming to customers without licenses. VidAngel claims that their product is under fair use in their YouTube video titled, “Is VidAngel legal?”. (Fair use is mentioned around the 3:50 mark) They claim that since their work is “transformative” and still makes Hollywood studios money that they’re exempt from the copyright infringement claims Hollywood has leveled towards them. Fair Use allows for people or a company in VidAngels case to use copyrighted material verbatim without permission provided that they meet criteria. Criteria that is unfortunately not clearly defined and done on a case by case basis. These claims are not as solid as VidAngel might think.
It’s true to the majority of people that VidAngel filtering is transformative. We understand the word to mean something is simply different, and there isn’t any real doubt that VidAngel movies are different than their theatrical counterparts. However transformative doesn’t mean the same thing in copyright law as it does for the average person. The copyright.gov page describes transformative as, “…those that add something new, with a further purpose of different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.” VidAngel doesn’t add anything new to the films it filters, they only remove pieces from the original, work and they are certainly intended to act as a substitute for the original versions.
VidAngel makes the studios money though right? They buy all those discs from them. Yes that is true that VidAngel does buy a very large number of discs which make Hollywood some money. That isn’t the full story though. VidAngel also releases some movies on their site before those movies are available on sites like Netflix or Amazon and this takes value away from Hollywood when they negotiate deals with those big streaming sites. Those deals are worth tens of millions of dollars, a lot of money to lose.
Fair Use is an extremely important part of content creation, without it a lot of satire, parody, education and criticism of of our world wouldn’t be possible. Filtering also has a right to exist, but filtering films is not Fair Use.I’m not saying VidAngel is illegal. Just that if VidAngel wishes to fight Hollywood for their right to do their work, they shouldn’t rely on Fair Use claims in any way shape or form, it’s not a winning strategy.

Here is the VidAngel video I mentioned in my editorial, I should note that this is definitely not the last time I’ll be talking about VidAngel. There are a number of videos they’ve put out and I have thoughts on nearly all of them.

Birthday Blog: Totally Differant I Swear

Having now reached the ripe old age of 24 I feel likes it’s fair to at least joke about being “past my prime” and just an old man. I’ve made these jokes about myself for a while now but now I feel arbitrarily more justified about it now. Plus it’s my birthday so I get to do whatever I want right?

Bad jokes about someone in their twenties getting old, what I thought I would do today is just list some of the random realizations about myself that I’ve made as I’ve gotten older. Most of these statements are exaggerated for the sake of a joke, but there are some bits of truths in there as well.

First off, either movies are getting way better or I’m becoming the emotional mess that is my dad watching movies.

On that note, I’m entirely sure that if my dad could get over the fact that My Lie in April is an anime it would emotionally destroy him on levels not yet understood my humans.

I know that listening to classical piano pieces and K-rap in the same playlist isn’t typical.

I don’t rage when playing games anymore. Probably because I’ve suscribed to a Hulk-like philosophy about games.

I’ve been single for so long that I’ve moved beyond the crippling lonliness into a state of romantic apathy. It is the most boring form of euphoria known to man.

This isn’t actually about me, but Miles Teller is the next great American movie star. #Callingitnow

When I need to wake up early for something I either sleep right through my alarm by hours or wake up 30 minutes before my alarm. So why do I even set it?

I rapidly shift from thinking I’m the smartest person in a room to the biggest idiot ever based solely on comments made in classes.

I’m so bad with names now that I can’t even remember whose who on TV shows. It gets really confusing after awhile so I just keep imdb open while I watch.

At least 5 times a week I hear something so stupid or naive that I want to smash my head through the nearest piece of glass.

3 of those times it’s coming out of my mouth.

Red Bull is not a drink. It’s a terrifying chemical concoction that we were all told was a drink and we just believed them.

Cranberry Red Bull is the tastiest thing I’ve ever drank in my life.

Going to the movies is a sham unless you get popcorn. #Fancyliving

Casually Explained is my spirit animal.

I don’t care for holidays that much. Ideally you would want to have a life where everyday is pretty good and you’d just want more of that no?

Telling stories is my actual favourite thing in the world.

I’ll tak the girl I can have an intresting conversation with over the hot girl 172 out of 10 times.

I know the prequels aren’t actually that bad, but I still hate them a lot.

That being said, why not both?

I hate mornings and so I design my life around sleeping through them.

I don’t hate underdogs, but I never want them to win. I always prefer the better team to perform to their level and smack the underdog down.

That’s enough for this year. I’ve got a steak to cook myself. Peace out!

Breaking the Ice: Katie Broadhead

Near the end of this summer I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down and talk with one of my best friends and fellow blogger, Katie Broadhead (sarcasmandsentiments.com) and talk about school, church, growing up and other topics. I have divided this casual interview into two sections, the first part (this one) focuses on her adaptation from living at home and high school to living on her own and university. I hope that anyone that is starting their first year of university or just having that first experience away from home can take some of the wisdom Katie imparts  and use it to help make these so very important years a little smoother.

Jon: Let’s start right at the beginning for context, what was it like to move away from home?

Katie: It was a weird mix, like you’re so excited, but also it’s hard. Especially growing up in such a small town, I’ve spent sixteen years in the same place, I’ve known the same people for sixteen years so there is a fear of just stepping off a cliff, so it’s this mix of being stressed and sad to leave, but also really excited about what university held.

Jon: Kind of this anxious excitement?

Katie: Yeah, like part of me was elated to be there and part of me just wanted to call my mom and go home. Like about the third week I thought to myself, “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

Jon: I think everyone feels like that, and some people lean in on roommates then. Did you know your roommates before you lived with them and if so how well?

Katie: Not at all actually. Well one, I’ll use her name since she won’t mind but REDACTED is actually my cousin but we still didn’t know each other, like we facebook friends level, but I was looking for a place to stay and had looked at a few places and then saw her dad pasted on facebook that she was looking for a fourth girl for their apartment. It looked nice so I got in contact and it just ended up working out.

Jon: So how would you compare living with your roommates with living with your family?

Katie: You have to be on edge, Not like in a bad way, but like hyper aware of annoying things you do, cause with your family you just do whatever.

Jon:Because they’ll love you anyways.

Katie:Exactly, and I’m like kind of a messy person so I will kind of scatter things and so you don’t want to be “that” roommate because they suck. So you have to be more aware, but it wasn’t bad since we all ended up getting along really well.

Jon: So what helped you get comfortable with your roommates like that, like how did you all bond?

Katie: It was all of our first years away (from home) so we had that and it’s like, “I don’t know anyone but I know you a little bit.” So we would go out together and kind be each others core, like they became my “Edmonton Family.”

Jon: So you’re in Edmonton, meeting roommates and then next thing that happens is University starts, what was your first day like?

Katie: It was…. oh…. yeah well I had done orientation but the first day of classes I was just a ball of stress, like I had printed out my schedule and a copy on my phone just in case, cause I’m kind of a school nerd, like I set my backpack out the night before the first day, but university it’s like in your head it’s gonna be huge, I’m not gonna know anyone and that is pretty much true, and then I got lost, couldn’t find a majority of my classes, luckily I showed up two hours early to give myself time so I found them, but I really got a sense (in class) that is wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be, like you build it up in your head and then actually you’re like, “I can probably do this.” Except when you go to the wrong class and you have a moment of like what the heck! Then you switch and find your right one and it’s better after that.

Jon: So now I want to you to compare that first day of university to your first day in YSA/ (A congregation of Mormons that are all Young Single Adults, hence the name)

Katie: First YSA experience, was an FHE activity, where a group gathers and would like do an activity or play a game. That day we were playing ultimate frisbee, which is not how I wanted to enter the YSA scene because I’m not althetic and it’s like “great I’m gonna be that girl but luckily one of my roommates, REDACTED was like that too so we bonded over how we sucked at ultimate frisbee, but it was good, like I can’t speak highly enough of Edmonton YSA or my ward, Mill Creek. The amount of people who would offered us rides there, introduced themselves to us, and there was this weird house of guys that had us over for dinner, like that was probably the lowest point of YSA. (I would like to personally note that the end of this answer was absolutely dripping with sarcasm as the interviewee was referring to myself and my roommates, although maybe that is just what I wanted to hear.)

Jon: As I remember one person in that house orchestrated the whole thing and the rest of them just went along with it.

Katie: Yeah but once we got past that it was ok, we became friends with you all and it was very welcoming.

Jon: Plus there was one stud who happened to live there

Katie: *Laughs in my face*

Jon: Anyways, do you think your connection to your church helped with the transition form adolescence to adulthood?

Katie: Like religiously?

Jon: Like did having the church in your life help you deal with the added stresses?

Katie:Oh yeah, cause right away it’s actually one of the thigns I love about the church that wherever you go you have this sense of, You’re gonna know someone, and someone will talk to you. Like I don’t even know how I would have made friends without it. I didn’t really get to know classmates well, like I talked to them, but didn’t make friends. So yeah going to to church every week and activities where you get to know people your own age was super beneficial for me. It gives a platform to meet people.

Jon: Plus with that you always have something in common in a shared faith.

Katie Nods, yeah like you know some people will irk you but there’s still a connection.

Jon: Do you have tips for making friends in a new city?

Katie: It’s kind of ironic because I am not good at making friends. I think I’m crippled by where I grew up because you have the same friends your whole life. So my biggest worry about moving was whether I even knew how to make friends. I’m pretty shy and have a lot of social anxiety so that was a big thing for me to be able to expand my friend group, but I think the biggest thing is to have someone you’re comfortable with to go out with and maybe not a group, because then you get too comfortable and you click with your group and don’t meet new people, but one person you can go places with and meet new people while still feeling secure since you are not on your own.

Jon: So have a wingman?

Katie:Yeah, also just realize that everyone is probably just as terrified as you are? especially at university since I’m pretty sure everyone is unsure of themselves and just being nice to people goes a long way.

Jon: Moving beyond friends, your first year at university has midterms and other stresses, what would you say is the best way to cope with those stresses?

Katie: Well I’m a mega procrastinator so I have a lot of last-minute stresses. Umm… I guess the best way would be not procrastinating, but that’s been unreachable for me, I’ve found that past a certain point you just have to realize that me stressing our doesn’t changer the situation and it’s not making it better, so you just have to study and do everything you can and then just let things happen. Just like go on autopilot even.

Jon: What is something everyone should do in their first year in Edmonton?

Katie: I’m so bad at thinking of these things. I really like the open spaces like the legislature is awesome. Churchill square, places where you can just go hang out and enjoy being outside. If you’re there in the summer check out all the festivals. I spend a summer up there and it was awesome. Like people bag on the winters, but the summer is great.

Jon: I don;’t even necessarily think agree with the notion that the winters suck. I think the city comes alive.

Katie: True. Because they know it isn’t ideal so they get to have like the ice festival and yeah I like the Edmonton winter. Lots of festivals.

Jon: So check out open spaces and festivals?

Katie: Also Burito Libre, because it’s fantastic. It’s where I let myself celebrate. Like after my University orientation I didn’t think I could make it, it was super hot out, I was walking home and I needed to stop somewhere and get a drink cause I’m like gonna die here, went into Burito Libre, ordered myself food and somehow thought, “I can do this. I’m gonna be ok.”

Jon: So now I want to pull you back, if you could talk to yourself on your first day in Edmonton, what advice would you pass on?

Katie: Probably not to worry about figuring out who you are because that was a big thing for me, like dang I need to be my own person, it’s like this backpack of who you are. You carry it around your whole life and it’s always been the same and then you just dump it out on the table and you gotta organize, throw stuff out, add new things and it’s super confusing, but the biggest thing is just be comfortable not knowing everything in there.

Jon: The backpack will fill itself.

Katie: Exactly

Jon:So were at the end I want to ask silly questions now. Three favorite movies of all time?

Katie:Jurassic Park obviously, I’m a huge Jurassic Park fan. I really like Harry Potter movies, also the Devil Wears Prada. Like I never get tired of that movie. It’s not that emotionally involved.

Jon: You can only pick one Harry Potter movie.

Katie: The last one then.

Jon: Mythical creature you’d keep as a pet?

Katie: Probably…. Chupacabra, just to say I know where it is, it’s in my backyard in the kennel.

Jon: Buddy cop duo with Jack Sparrow, Gimli, Neville Longbottom pre deathly hollows, Lando Calrissian or Hawkeye?

Katie: Gimli. I’d have his axe. He can carry me around he’s a stocky guy.

This is only half of my Interview with Katie, I’ll be posting the other half sometime this weekend where we discuss her Education and aspirations a bit more in depth. I really want to thank her for being so awesome to interview, she took very simple questions and gave great in depth answers to them and if you want to check out some of her writing, (Including an interview with yours truly.) head on over to sarcasmandsentiments.wordpress.com and check it out. It’s better than 99% of what I do anyways. Have a stellar day y’all.