Where I’ve Been

Where has the time gone? Seriously have you seen my time? I can’t find it anywhere.

You wanna hear a really obvious statement? Life gets really busy sometimes.

My life has been super busy lately, let me get you up to speed.

As of right now, I work two part-time jobs, one as an early morning custodian at BYU, (4am-8am baby! Sleep is for the weak!) and the other as a Deli Clerk at Day’s Market, a local grocery store. (SCHLICE SCHLICE) On top of that, I’m taking a couple of classes at BYU still. Only like 6 credit hours though so not totally insane, just partially. Also I’ve started writing pitches in an attempt to get a few freelance writing jobs, figured I should actually try and make money at this at some point right? With all that the few spare moments I have left over I try to make sure that I’m spending enough time with my wonderful and lovely girlfriend Lindsay.

This leaves just no time to do much of anything, let alone sit down and try to write blog posts that aren’t absolute trash. Now should be the time where I present some sort of remedy for this problem, but frankly, I don’t have much of a solution worked out. The best I’ve come up with so far is to get back on a regular sleeping schedule, but anyone who knows me knows that me and sleep have just never worked out. We’re like Ross and Rachel, one of is always pining for the other but it’s just not gonna work out. Maybe it will one day, I haven’t finished Friends yet so I really don’t know. I’m just trying to use the references now that I actually know them. (I wonder what the equivalent of “WE WERE ON A BREAK” would be in this analogy? it was only a nap? I don’t know, probably stretching it too far)

There is something I can promise for sure though. If and when I do manage to find some time that isn’t dedicated to something else I’ll be sitting in my chair, slapping away at my keyboard to try and write blogs. Just be aware that because of time restrictions I won’t have time to research anything so I’m just gonna have to write about what I already know really well. So lots of movie and League of Legends ramblings are coming your way! (YAY everyone loves league of legends!) Later!

20 Hour Days

Here’s something I find myself saying almost everyday right now, “OH WAIT! It’s that late already? Welp no sleep tonight I guess”

Seriously though, uh where did all the time go? Not like in the sense of “wow I can’t believe September is almost over already time really flies!” more like the “Are there only 20 hours in a day now?” I cannot for the life of me find the time each day to do the things I want to do. Something about taking a full course load, working, writing this freaking thing, trying to actually have a real social life, being involved in church activities, going to the gym, jeez why did I have to start making positive life choices? What a mistake that’s turning out to be. I can barely even find the time to see one movie a week let alone the 3 or 4 I was rocking in the summer.

You know what’s even crazier though? I already have just no time to spare, but all I want to do is add more to my plate. Remember when I made movie reviews and they sucked? I really really want to start doing that again, but like not have them suck. Also streaming? I messed around with that a couple of times over the summer and holy crap it was actually so much fun. Also, I have this idea for like a series of blog posts but I’m a little worried it might actually be too nerdy for even me. Screw it no such thing.

Just no time for any of that though… Maybe I could try like Adderall or something. Or proper time management. Yeah, that second one is probably a better starting point. Don’t wanna jump all the way up to Adderall just so I can make some YouTube videos, cause then I’d be like everyone else on YouTube right? I mean there’s gotta be something they’re doing to be so darn energetic and upbeat all the time..it’s cocaine, isn’t it? That’s how they’re all so energetic? Anyone know a coke guy in the Provo area? (Kidding mom, and also any law enforcement surveillance going on, sod off big brother!)

Bad drug jokes aside I just wanted to vent a bit about how little time I seem to have these days, but also I think it’s important to note that even though I’m complaining right now, I’d rather be too busy than straining just to fill the day. Later.